Saturday, September 6, 2008

How not to use Powerpoint

The Seven Deadly Sins of Powerpoint Presentations
1. Slide Transitions And Sound Effects.
2. Standard Clipart.
3. Presentation Templates.
4. Text-Heavy Slides.
5. The “Me” Paradigm.
6. Reading.
7. Faith in Technology.

The Five Deadly Sins of Presentations

1. Rely on bullet points.
2. Make it relentlessly sober.
3. Showcase the self-evident.
4. Use clashing graphics.
5. Forget to proofread it.

How to Avoid "Death by PowerPoint"

Problem #1: The presenter focused more on the visuals than the content.
Problem #2: The audience can’t clearly see the slides
Problem #3: The audience is distracted by the visuals
Problem #4: Pointer movement on the screen
Problem #5: Dropping into the program